Mundo Gardens Non-profit offers Mobile Community Arts
Artesanas Climate Action Focused Community Arts Program aiming / enabling space for healing intergenerational neighborhood climate ailments, by CELEBRATING ancestral and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK).

California Free Tree Program
Looking to volunteer? Want to help save the planet while earning volunteer hours? If so, reach out to to help spread the word about our Free Tree Program!

Looking forward to getting together to ART. Come as you are. Let's sync into zen moments of drawing, painting, sculpting, singing, or playing & dancing. Check out the schedule!

Bring it! You have an idea for Community Uplifting Event or Art Project? Let's ORGANIZE. We're Crowd Sourcing the Radical Climate Action Artist to create where you are to address eaches LOCAL CLIMATE ACTION.
1) Create and share your designs.
2.) Develop & Test Proof of Concept.
3.) Deploy and Celebrate with Community.
Please don't hesitate to connect. We LOVE ART.