Community Resources
Take advantage of the free community resources available in the San Diego area! There are free programs and services available to our community that can help with getting your GED, finding doula care for pregnancy and post partum, caretaking, helping you buy a home, and many more resources to help improve your health!
Below are some resources and contacts we have begun to gather and we will continue to add more. Click the titles for more information.
Community Supports are extra services that Blue Shield Promise offers to eligible Medi-Cal members. They are not benefits. These services provide support to members beyond Long Term Care Support Services (LTSS). They enhance and support members’ care. Services will vary based on a member’s needs and on Blue Shield Promise Health Plan’s rules. Prior authorization is required.
Enhanced Care Management (ECM) is a Medi-Cal care management benefit. ECM offers extra services to members with complex needs that make it difficult to improve their health. This could include health conditions or challenges such as not having a place to live.
Doulas are birth workers who provide help to birthing persons through pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. They can also help in the event of miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion. Doula services are in addition to medical care from your obstetrician or midwife.
GEDWorks™ is a special program that can help you get your high school equivalency diploma at no cost. GEDWorks™ provides the support and tools you need to pass the GED test.