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Social Media Archive

Family Gardening Workshop
Saturday, January 11th!

Join us and @mundogardens Gardens at Paradise Creek Community Garden for a FREE gardening workshop!

Saturday, January 11th from 10:00 am - 11:00 am.

Bring your friends and family, ask questions, learn about gardening and plant something! All ages are welcome and no registration is required. See you there!


Acompañanos el sabado 11 de Enero en el jardin comunitario de Paradise Creek, de 10 a 11 am para un clase GRATUITA de jardineria familiar junto con @Mundo Gardens! Ven con tu familia y haz preguntas sobre como plantar, jardinear! No se requiere registro previo!

#ParadiseCreekGarden #CommunityGardening #FreeWorkshop #GreenThumb #GardeningForAll #GrowTogether #FamilyFun #UrbanGardening #PlantSomething #SustainableLiving #NationalCityEvents

#JardínComunitario #TallerDeJardinería #JardineríaParaTodos #ManosVerdes #CultivemosJuntos #DiversiónEnFamilia #JardineríaUrbana #PlantaAlgo #VidaSostenible #EventosEnNationalCity

✨See you on Saturday!
First come first serve from 10 am to 1 pm. Child must be present in order qualify for gift. Gifts available while supplies last 🌱 #communityholiday #familygarden #mundogardens #healthyhoods #picturetime @mundogardens @thevitography

Paradise Creek Family Garden Volunteer Day!
Saturday, November 23rd!

Free Family Gardening Workshop!
Saturday November 9th

Join us and @olivewoodgardens at Paradise Creek Family Garden for a FREE gardening workshop!

Saturday, November 9th from 10:00 am - 11:00 am.

Bring your friends and family, ask questions, learn about gardening and plant something! All ages are welcome and no registration is required. See you there!
Acompañanos el sabado 9 de Noviembre en el jardin comunitario de Paradise Creek, de 10 a 11 am para un clase GRATUITA de jardineria familiar! Ven con tu familia y haz preguntas sobre como plantar, jardinear! No se requiere registro previo!

#ParadiseCreekGarden #CommunityGardening #FreeWorkshop #GreenThumb #GardeningForAll #GrowTogether #FamilyFun #UrbanGardening #PlantSomething #SustainableLiving #NationalCityEvents

#JardínComunitario #TallerDeJardinería #JardineríaParaTodos #ManosVerdes #CultivemosJuntos #DiversiónEnFamilia #JardineríaUrbana #PlantaAlgo #VidaSostenible #EventosEnNationalCity

"Big ups" From #djreo619!!! Thank you so much for sharing your talents to the community at this very important event!

"Big ups to @mundogardens & @luna_janice for bringing me on to deejay..It’s always an honor to deejay for such great souls, bringing the community together as always! Keep up the great work! ✊🏽❤️💛💚 #djreo619 "

Mundo Gardens

October 12 we will have a Freedom Freeway Funday on the 43rd Street 805 Freeway Ramps from 10am to 1 pm and meet at nearby parks to bicycle over.

You may use this image of 20% off Coupon at Big 5 !
Good for Multiple uses for one year from now. We can provide printed copies as well.

National City
City Council Candidate Forum
Monday October 28th

Join the National City Health Culturas Coalition next Monday, 10/28, 5-7pm for a candidate forum for the @cityofnationalcity City Council! Get to know the candidates and their vision for #NationalCity. Food and translation provided! // ¡Únase a la National City Healthy Culturas Coalition el próximo lunes 28 de octubre, de 5 a 7 p. m. para un foro de candidatos para el Concejo Municipal de @cityofnationalcity! Conozca a los candidatos y su visión de #CiudadNacional. ¡Se proporciona comida y traducción!

Festival de Cine Colombia Migrante
SD: Oct. 18, 19, 20
TJ: Oct. 26, 26, 27

🌱🌎Bienvenidas/os/es al Festival de Cine Colombia Migrante en nuestra 3° edición: #justiciaambientalymigratoria🍃 @colmigrantefest

Te invitamos a unirte a nuestro llamado desde Colombia 🇨🇴 y la frontera Tijuana/ San Diego al mundo: ¡La defensa del territorio es la defensa de la vida y la paz!

🕊 Llamamos al respeto de la #madretierra Al entendimiento de la crisis climática como un problema relacionado con los efectos de los países más poderosos sobre los menos, a un ambiente digno y sano en el que pueda existir el libre tránsito 👣 y el reconocimiento de los saberes ancestrales y comunitarios, como camino para la construcción de una reparación y reconciliación colectiva con el territorio y con quienes lo habitan 🌱🫀

🎬🌱¡Acompáñanos en este punto fronterizo! EVENTO GRATUITO!!
📍SAN DIEGO el 18, 19 y 20 de Octubre en el @visionculturefoundation
📍TIJUANA el 25, 26 y 27 de Octubre en @enclavecaracol

¡Pronto les compartiremos la programación de Cine, Arte, Música, Talleres de escucha, Danza, Comida y mucho más !!🙌🏽🫶🏽🤩

Un homenaje al cine 🎬 por la #naturaleza y la #vida 🌎🎬🍃

👉🏾Apoyas locales: @mundogardens @ucsdlas @thehomegrownprojectsd @nectarjugosnaturales @asociaciondecolombianosenbajacalifornia

Festival de Cine Colombia Migrante

SD: Oct. 18, 19, 20
TJ: Oct. 26, 26, 27

📢🎥 🌱| El #cine es la herramienta que nos transporta al #pasado, que nos permite encontrarnos con los entornos que hemos erosionado, deforestado, borrado, con los ecosistemas que los modelos de pensamiento económicos y sociales nos han arrebatado, con los territorios que hemos tenido que dejar atrás. ⌛️🌎🍃

👣🎬Sin embargo, el cine es también el medio, que incluso a través de la #ficción, no solo refleja realidades, sino que las construye, que nos entrega la oportunidad de imaginar y repensarnos mundos posibles en los que podamos convivir y habitar en una apuesta de #paz completa y generar encuentros a partir de ello. 🫶🏽Porque quizás el cine en sí mismo no pueda reducir los impactos ambientales, no pueda generar reparaciones ecológicas, pero sí simbólicas, que movilicen a las personas para que lo hagan. ✊🏻✊🏽✊🏿

🎬👉🏾 Festival de Cine Colombia Migrante @colmigrantefest 🇨🇴👣🌱una edición que como siempre ha sido el esfuerzo de muchas y muchos que trabajamos por ver una #Colombia y un mundo mejor

Únete a nosotras y nosotros del 18 al 28 de octubre en este homenaje al cine por la #naturaleza y por la #vida. 🕊🌱
👣🎬🇨🇴Mira nuestra programación en San Diego 🇺🇸y Tijuana 🇲🇽en nuestro perfil y acompañanos!!!
#CineSinFronteras #CineBinacional

"Celebrating Life" with Woi Hiapsi
Native Storytelling & Song

Saturday October 19th

Join “Coyote” Woi Hiapsi, at the Paradise Creek Family Garden this coming Saturday. Connect with community, the land, and share in the storytelling ✨

302 W. 19th Street, National City CA 91950

#kumeyaayland #nationalcity #otnc #paradisecreek #healthyhoods #healthyculturascoalition #healthyzone #community #unity #masarte #masparques #indigenous #drumming #music #song #storytelling #mundogardens

Festival de Cine Colombia Migrante

SD: Oct. 18, 19, 20
TJ: Oct. 26, 26, 27

SAN DIEGO 🌱🍃🎬🇨🇴 (Español abajo) 📣 Here is the program of the Festival Cine Colombia Migrante @colmigrantefest !!!! We are waiting for you, in San Diego and Tijuana!!!🌴🌴🌴 We will have films, activities, cool merch, workshops and good vibes!💜

📣📣📣 Aqui està la programación del Festival Cine Colombia Migrante @colmigrantefest !!! Les esperamos, en San Diego y Tijuana!!!🌴🌴🌴 Tendremos actividades, souvenirs súper chevres-chingones, talleres y buena vibra!💜
#justiciaambientalymigratoria🍃 #colmigrantefest

National City & Southeast San Diego Green Corridor Project: Bicycle Ride Update

See You Saturday! There is free parking at ECC Lot 1 .
JOIN @mundogardens and @ucprojectcdc for the Green Corridor Freeway Closure of the 43rd Street Ramp🌱

We will have music, art, and community booths at our gathering. See you there 10/12/24
10 am to 12:30 pm

Bike Ride meets 9 am at Pepper Park and rides out at 9:30 am to 43rd St. Ramp Closure

RED WARRIOR Native Drummers at 10:30 am

@billcaballeromusic Live Latin Jazz at 11:00 am

@thehomegrownprojectsd Fashion Show at 11:30 pm

This Reconnecting Communities event is made possible by @officialcaltranshq

FREE PARKING by @sdcceedu

Thank you to our partners at @sandagregion @ucprojectcdc @visionculturefoundation and our other community based partners.

@ngapothecary @bckprograms @sdbicyclecollective @gaslampmusic @quintosolwellnes

@211sd @upac_sd

To support this historic event and a booth opportunities reach out to

Music by @skreemnmeme #sholove @djreo619

Shout out to all the community based artists of the past, present,and future ✨

National City & Southeast San Diego Green Corridor Project: Bicycle Ride Update

So excited for tomorrow’s Reconnecting CommUNITIES event and the bike ride from Pepper Park to the event and back!

Check our stories for all the deets.

#reconnectingcommunities #caltrans #caltransdistrict11 #mundogardens #urbancollaborativeproject #southbay #nationalcity

@sandagregion #sandag

National City & Southeast San Diego Green Corridor Project: Bicycle Ride Booth Registration Form

At the the Green Corridor Freeway closure we will have sustainability booths, an upcycle fashion show, a mass bike ride arrival from Pepper Park, Live Art, Music, and walkabout of Future Community Land Trust Site. Our partners are encouraged to attend this historical event and share their offerings. We are asking all event partners to blast this event to their contacts and on social media.    Please see the registration link below

This event is All ages. Feel Free to reach out with any Questions

Hope to See you all there!

National City & Southeast San Diego Green Corridor Project: Bicycle Ride Update

Freeway Bike Ride @sdbikecoalition Meetip at Pepper Park on Saturday 9AM, Ride out at 9:30 am 🚴🏾‍♀️🚴🏽

Highway Runway Fashion Show! @thehomegrownprojectsd

This Reconnecting Communities event is made possible by @officialcaltranshq

Thank you to our partners at @sandagregion @ucprojectcdc @visionculturefoundation and our other community based partners.

To support this historic event and a booth opportunities reach out to

Music by @skreemnmeme #sholove @djreo619

Shout out to all the community based artists✨

#redwarrior @visionculturefoundation @__justdesign @soloriofilm @thevitography @thehomegrownprojectsd @drlawana @muralsochoa @dentloktattooarts @ojoamor @mario_torero @sliim.92 @seeks619 @thehomegrownprojectsd @ral_christman @stan.rodriguez.1 @kbleux @515theset @cooper.alyce @reeloaded__ @billcaballeromusic @ricoycreative @rosydh74 @izzyguitar @blkboxgallery @guavajhelly @grioneers_inc @macedonioarteaga @luna_janice @danza_azteca_kuauhkoatl @djreo619 @cantuamusic @matosebastian @thekwentothesis @junglevillagechief

#kumeyaayland #nationalcity #southeast #greencorridor #caltrans #sandag #smartgrowthamerica #healthyhoods #healthyculturascoalition #healthyzone #community #blackfederation #unity #masarte #masparques

@nbcsandiego @cbs8 @fox5sandiego @kusinews @voiceofsandiego @sandiegoreader @acbowenarrow @sandiegouniontribune @prebysfound @kpbs @calartscouncil @xavierthexman @univision @noravarassd @d4supmonica @cd4foster @vivianmorenosd

National City & Southeast San Diego Green Corridor Project: Bicycle Ride Update

Thank you to all who made our collab #cleanairday and #coffee & #community pop up a hit!

@sandagregion @visionculturefoundation & @mundogardens collaborated to do the Clean Air Day Bike Ride from National City Green Corridor to Southeast San Diego Four Corners 🌱🚲💕☕️

Thank you @jclip78 for rolling through with the crew and leading the ride✨

@ucprojectcdc and partners @brandonflowr welcomed the community with a heartwarming pop up featuring local coffee from @cafecito1806 @thementalbar @mundogardens

Thank you to all the friends and family who made today so special @reynosofacee @maxxmoses777 @jboyswolfpack @valemadre96 @zayetzy3 @thevitography @bychriscarson @thekwentothesis @hiapsi

An early birthday celebration for @luna_janice was also a reason to dance, laugh, and sing✨The bday shoutout and all the love was much appreciated

Last but not least thank you to the Músicos @cantuamusic for the jams and the bling. @cantuamusic is our one of our longest supporting bands in the community! 💫
Gracias @matosebastian I feel like you are part of team with all the support in our music programming 🎶

@visionculturefoundation @mundogardens @ucprojectcdc took the California Clean Air pledge! We’re proud to join hundreds of others across the state for clean air on Wednesday, October 2! Join us as we take collective action to make a difference. Take the pledge at #SANDAG #CleanAirDayCA @SANDAGregion

#kumeyaayland #nationalcity #southeast #greencorridor #caltrans #sandag #smartgrowthamerica #healthyhoods #healthyculturascoalition #healthyzone #community #blackfederation #unity #masarte #masparques #transportationequity #cleanair

National City & Southeast San Diego Green Corridor Project: Bicycle Ride

✨2 WEEKS AWAY! Join @mundogardens and @ucprojectcdc for the Green Corridor Freeway Closure of the 43rd Street Ramp🌱This Reconnecting Communities event is made possible by @officialcaltranshq

Thank you to our partners at @sandagregion @ucprojectcdc @visionculturefoundation and our other community based partners.

To support this historic event and a booth opportunities reach out to

Music by @skreemnmeme #sholove @djreo619

Shout out to all the community based artists who have been the beautification in this process ✨

#redwarrior @visionculturefoundation @__justdesign @soloriofilm @thevitography @thehomegrownprojectsd @drlawana @muralsochoa @dentloktattooarts @ojoamor @mario_torero @sliim.92 @seeks619 @thehomegrownprojectsd @ral_christman @stan.rodriguez.1 @kbleux @515theset @cooper.alyce @reeloaded__ @billcaballeromusic @rosydh74 @izzyguitar @blkboxgallery @guavajhelly @grioneers_inc @macedonioarteaga @luna_janice @raices_latinoamerica @danza_azteca_kuauhkoatl @djreo619 @cantuamusic

National City & Southeast San Diego Green Corridor Project: Freeway Fun Day!

✨SAVE THE DATE Saturday October 12, 2024 on the Green Corridor 🌱

The 43rd Street ramps will be closed for our event. This is an Opportunity to envision what the 50 Acres feels like as a community space.

save the date.jpg

National City & Southeast San Diego Green Corridor Project: Bicycle Ride Update

See You Saturday! Join us for the bike ride. There is free parking at ECC Lot 1

We will have music, art, and community booths at our gathering. See you there 10/12/24
10 am to 12:30 pm

RED WARRIOR Native Drummers at 10:30 am

@thehomegrownprojectsd Fashion Show at 11:30 pm

@mundogardens and @ucprojectcdc for the Green Corridor Freeway Closure of the 43rd Street Ramp🌱

This Reconnecting Communities event is made possible by @officialcaltranshq

FREE PARKING by @sdcceedu

Thank you to our partners at @sandagregion @ucprojectcdc @visionculturefoundation and our other community based partners.

@ngapothecary @bckprograms @sdbicyclecollective @gaslampmusic @quintosolwellnes

@211sd @upac_sd

To support this historic event and a booth opportunities reach out to

Music by @skreemnmeme #sholove @djreo619

Shout out to all the community based artists of the past, present,and future ✨

A Couple Great Moments With @sdbicyclecollective From the Freeway Ramp Closure

Sep 6, 2024.png

National City & Southeast San Diego Green Corridor Project: Bicycle Ride

✨SAVE THE DATE Sunday, September 29 on the Green Corridor 🌱

Join Us!! Come out this Sunday and ride with us and pledge to commute for Clean Air. We will be meeting at Division & Palm under the bridge to ride our Bicycles from the National City Green Corridor to Southeast San Diego’s Four Corners at Brooks Huffman Plaza. Let’s all ride out in solidarity for clean air then we’ll meet up for a Coffee & Community Pop-Up with our Family @ucprojectcdc for a day filled with coffee, art, interactive activities, live music, and community!

Just a couple of highlights from the National City & Southeast San Diego Green Corridor Community Connectors Conference! Be sure to check out our Facebook and Instagram for more great moments from the conference!

  • Instagram
  • Facebook

National City & Southeast San Diego Green Corridor Community Connectors Conference: Artists' Spotlight

National City & Southeast San Diego Green Corridor Community Connectors Conference: Day 2

Day 2 Will highlight the many local artists who have dedicated themselves to creating beauty with the community.

We will be sharing about developing organic relationships between community and agencies and cities.

We will be learning about protecting waterways and blue green infrastructure development with @groundworksandiego and the importance of trees @tree.sandiego

This and many more opportunities and takeaways for our environmental justice advocacy tool kit🌱

As organizers may know, all this community work needs a restorative practice. This closing session will offer a healing element @macedonioarteaga

Thank you to all who have contributed to our conference✨

National City & Southeast San Diego Green Corridor Community Connectors Conference: Day 1

We will be kicking off DAY 1 of the Conference in Power with our "Day Ones."
Many of you have been longtime supporters.

Thank you to the people and community based leaders for showing up to provide the tools to elevate our vision for healing. Thank you all for choosing to take part in the learning.

We want to honor the land and all our relations in this monumental movement.



RSVP For Community Connectors Conference!

Click the form below to fill out the RSVP in English.

Has click abajo para confirmar en espanol.

Agenda National CitySoutheast SD Green Corridor Community Connectors Conference 918-929 20
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